$echo ${ORAID} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
$ tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' <> newfile
To translate braces into parentheses, enter:
$tr '{}' '()' <> newfile
Run Command as diffrent user
$su orartp "-c crontab -l"
$sudo -u orartp crontab -l
Serach files and move them to seperate folder
find . -mtime +7 -exec ls -ltr {} \; ==>Display files
find /usr/tivoli/cat_maint/log -mtime +2 -exec ls -ltr {} \;
find . -mtime +7 -exec mv {} /usr/tivoli/cat_maint/abc \;==>Moves files to diff folder
find . -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \; ==>Find and remove files.
AWK script Examples
Display 7th and 4th field seperated by
$df -g | grep oraarch | awk '{print $7 "==>" $4}'
$df -g | grep oraarch | awk '{print $7 "==>" $4 " Used ==>Free GB==>" $3}'
$ awk -f myscript.awk myfile.in
To change Permission file from find command
find . -type f -exec chmod -x '{}' \;
chmod -R o+x *
chmod -R g+x *
To display line which does not contain "/" at the start in a file
$cat init.ora |grep -v "^/"
$cat init.ora |grep -v "^#"
Searching for a particular Text in the directory and sub-directories under that
$find . -name "*" -exec grep -il
Find all files except owned by a specific user
Will list the file names containing the search string.
$find . ! -user oracle9i -print
‘ ! ‘ negates the expression. The other example will list all the files not owned by user oracle9i.
Find files having some specific permission
$find . –name *.* -perm 664 -print
Searching for links in all the folders under the directory and output to a text file to create a script to change the links.
$find . -type l -print -exec ls -trl {} \; | grep -i uat | awk '{ print $11, $9 }' | tee change_link.sh
Linux OS Service 'ntpd'
This service is handled by init.d script /etc/init.d/ntp.
Start the service as follows:
#/sbin/service ntpd start
# /sbin/service ntpd condrestart ==>Start it if not running
Stop the service as follows:
# /sbin/service ntpd stop
Check if the serivce is started or stopped:
# /sbin/service ntpd status
Determine which system run levels the service is active:
# /sbin/chkconfig --list ntpd
Configuration file is located @ /etc/sysconfig/ntpd
TO check what options its running with currently
#ps -o args -p `cat /var/run/ntpd.pid`
RPM Download
To Run command as different User from root
sudo -u orapid /home/orapid/1.sh
sudo -u orapid /usr/tivoli/cat_maint/cat_maint.sh
sudo -u orapid /usr/tivoli/cat_maint/cat_maint.sh PID
To display Server Info
$grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
$uname -r
$fdisk -l ==>To list raw devices configured on the server
Display status of Raw Devices
#service rawdevices status
Linux Filesystems
/etc/fstab displays filesystems on server which can be be mounted with mount command.
Running job in background and nohup.(nohup.out in current folder displays output of running process)
$nohup ./costress_daily_stat.sh &
Killing Stubborn Unix Tasks
$cat /dev/null > /dev/ttyname kill –9
Remarks: This command is indispensable when killing stubborn UNIX tasks.
To see When the Server was started
To see the previous logons and logoffs
# last shutdown
# last root console
To shutdown the Server
$shutdown –Fr
Show number of active Oracle dedicated Connection Users
$ps –ef | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep –v grep | grep –v ora_ | wc -l
Determining the type of the file
Taking TAR Backup on Internal (Default) Tape Drive
Tested on AIX
$mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
cd /
$tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 ./prodr11i ./prod_dat ./prod_idx ./prod_msc
To view the list of files backed up
$tar –tvf /dev/rmt0
Installing, upgrading, removing, querying package using rpm in redhat
To install a package (i=install v=verbose h=show hash marks) :-
#rpm -ivh
To uninstall (erase) a package
#rpm -e
To upgrade a package
#rpm -Uvh
To test a package to see how it would install (without installing, also checks dependencies)
#rpm -Uvh --test
To query whether a package has been installed or not
#rpm -qa | grep
To Open or block ports on RedHat Linux
Displaying Allocated RAM Memory Segments in Unix
$ipcs –pm (Inter process control system)
Export/Zip and Unzip/Import using UNIX Pipes
To do this, you would create a pipe (using the unix mknod command), run the programs (in either order), with the first one in the background (using "&" at the end), which use that pipe like a file, and then remove the pipe. Below shows a full export to a zipped dump file:
$mknod /tmp/exp_pipe p
$gzip -cNf prod.dmp.gz &
$exp system/systempassword file=/tmp/exp_pipe full=y compress=n log=prod.dmp.log
$rm -f /tmp/exp_pipe
Below shows a full import with that zipped dump file:
$mknod /tmp/imp_pipe p
$gunzip -c prod.dmp.gz >/tmp/imp_pipe &
$imp system/systempassword file=/tmp/imp_pipe full=y ignore=y buffer=1024000 commit=y \
$rm -f /tmp/imp_pipe
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